Sugar Gliders

Can Sugar Glider Eat Tomato?


by Neranjan Ilukthenna


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Do sugar gliders eat tomatoes? You must be interested in what they can and cannot consume since they are picky eaters. We’ll go into the matter of whether sugar gliders can eat tomatoes in this blog post. The curious eaters known as sugar gliders thrive on a diet rich in a range of fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes are tart fruits rich in vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K1, and folate, among other vitamins and minerals. They taste delicious when cooked with other foods and make great snacks on their own. Are they secure to give to your sugar glider, though?

You may learn everything there is to know about sugar baby and tomatoes in this article by reading our in-depth response to the question, “Can sugar gliders eat tomatoes.”

Do Sugar Gliders Like Eating Tomatoes?

It’s not just you. Every pet owner gives this some thought. Naturally, before serving a certain food to your pets, you’ll want to know if they’ll like it. The fact that each glider is unique is the answer. Each of them is a distinct person with likes and dislikes. Your glider might eat a tomato, or it might not. If it doesn’t, don’t worry. As an alternative, you can give it a range of fruits and vegetables. Let me explain the advantages for your pet’s health before you give it a try.

Is Tomato Good for a Sugar Gliders?

Yes. Tomatoes are a beautiful, flavorful, and adaptable produce that is also high in vitamins and nutrients. These little creatures typically consume nectar and insects in the wild. If you are the parent of a sugar glider, you understand the difficulty of finding human food options that offer your pet considerable health benefits. What stands out about fresh tomatoes? It is filled with many different vital nutrients that your pet glider needs. Because they are a fantastic source of fiber and protein, tomatoes are a great choice for a meal. The fruit also contains significant levels of vitamin A and vitamin C, protecting your pet’s health.

There is yet more to it. The nutrition facts for a small (100-gram) tomato are listed in detail below.

  • First off, a tomato contains 18 calories and 9 grams of carbs, giving you enough energy to do a continuous 5-minute bout of boxing. What additional power does it give your furry friend?  
  • In order to keep your baby hydrated and rested, it also contains 95% water.
  • Additionally, it contains 2 grams of insoluble fiber and 6 grams of sugar to protect them from dietary-related illnesses.
  • Tomatoes have a high protein content (9 grams) and low fat content (2 grams), which is beneficial for building muscle in your pet.

What a lovely addition to your pet’s diet to include a low-calorie, low-fat vegetable! 

No, we haven’t finished yet! Micronutrients, vitamins and minerals must not be disregarded. Keep reading to know more about the vitamins and minerals.

1- Folate (Vitamin B9)

It keeps the gliders going! This vitamin assists metabolism, allowing your sugar glider to get energy from the food you provide.

2- Vitamin K1

Vitamin K1 is necessary for healthy bones! Tomatoes also have a good level of vitamin K1 in them.

3- Antioxidants

This food for gliders gives them a shield against diseases and disorders in sugar gliders. Vitamin C is abundant in tomatoes. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that protects your body from DNA damage that causes age-related diseases. Beta-carotene, lycopene, and chlorogenic acid are some of the other antioxidants in this diet. Antioxidants also promote healthy skin development. Your fur babies will have a shiny, glowing coat.

4- Potassium

The mineral K The vegetable’s high potassium content protects and fortifies the glider’s heart.

What Parts of the Tomato Can Sugar Gliders Eat?

If you can eat it—and you can—so can sugar gliders. This is a useful rule to remember for the majority of fruits and vegetables that sugar gliders can consume, even though it isn’t always true. The same is true with tomatoes. Sugar gliders are poisoned by the seeds or pits of some fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, tomatoes are an exception. Sugar gliders are not known to be poisoned by tomato seeds. So, as long as they are included in the tomato treat you offer the sugar gliders, they are free to ingest the tomato seeds. The tomato peel shares the same characteristics. You should use more caution when giving tomato peels to your sugar gliders, though.

Unfortunately, peeling tomatoes without making a mess is next to impossible. Therefore, the greatest choice for your sugar gliders would be to purchase organic tomatoes. You can use this to ensure that you don’t give your wide-eyed friends anything they shouldn’t consume.

What about the seeds, leaves, and stems?

Avoid the stems and leaves. The leaves and stem of tomatoes, which are a member of the nightshade family, are poisonous. Never give those to your glider. The seeds are not dangerous to your animals in any way. Because of their small size and lack of hazardous ingredients, the seeds do not present a choking concern. Be careful because there are rumors that sugar gliders will avoid the seeds and start throwing them at one another.

Do I Need to Peel Tomatoes for Sugar Gliders?

To help tomatoes retain moisture while traveling from the field to the store shelf, several grocery stores coat the skin with wax. Although this wax is safe for people, it can be problematic for sugar gliders. To safeguard their tomatoes, many producers employ fungicides and insecticides. Your sugar gliders shouldn’t consume any of these in particular. Compared to humans, sugar gliders are more likely to experience these adverse consequences. Be sure to totally and thoroughly wash the skin of any tomato before providing it to your sugar gliders because of what can be applied to tomatoes. Peeling fruit and vegetables before giving them to your pets is frequently advised in order to prevent mistakenly giving them harmful substances.

Tomato Peeler
Tomato Peeler – Image Credit:

Check out this Tomato peeler available on Amazon for just $6.99

Can Sugar Gliders Have Tomatoes of Any Type and Variety?

Choosing a variety of tomato to feed will probably present you with a challenge because there are so many options. You will probably still have a wide selection even though your local farmer’s market and grocery shop won’t carry every variety there is. Fortunately, all tomato varieties are safe for sugar gliders and you to eat. Therefore, you are free to choose any type of raw tomato you like and give it guilt-free to your sugar gliders.

When it comes to giving your sugar gliders prepared tomatoes, there are some limitations. Don’t ever feed your small friends canned tomatoes, first of all. Like with most vegetables, canning tomatoes involves applying additives that your sugar glider shouldn’t really be eating. Make certain that no additional salt, flavor enhancers, or other additives have been used on tomatoes that have not been sun dried or otherwise dehydrated. All of the salt that sugar gliders require comes from their natural diet. No salt-added treats should be given to them.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Cherry Tomatoes?

Yes! Sugar gliders can be fed cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are quite effective at reducing inflammation. These tomatoes are also a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant. When feeding your pet, you have access to thousands of tomato varieties, unlike carrots or other straightforward leafy greens. All tomato varieties are safe for your babies to eat, which is a wonderful thing! You can use any variety of tomato, including cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, green tomatoes, and giant beefsteak tomatoes. You may feel good about giving any raw tomato to your pet as long as it originated from a tomato plant.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Grape Tomatoes?

Yes. You can give grape tomatoes to your sugar gliders as food. A tomato variety with an oval plum form is called a grape tomato. Compared to a cherry tomato, it is smaller and sweeter. They are the perfect treat for your animal friend because they are easy to consume and have a higher sugar content than regular tomatoes. To keep your gliders safe, remember to remove the grape skins before feeding them or purchase organic grapes.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Tomato Sauce?

No. The sugars and chemicals in tomato sauce will destroy your baby’s diet. It’s not a good idea to give your pets canned tomatoes. If you wish to give them sauce, puree a fresh tomato and give them the juice. If you like a distinct tomato flavor, use sun-dried or dehydrated tomatoes. Make sure they don’t contain any extra salt, flavor enhancers, or other additives. All the salt that the nocturnal creatures need comes from their natural diet. You don’t have to give them any salty snacks.

How Often Should You Feed Your Furry Friends Tomatoes?

Feed in moderation at all times. Despite the health benefits that feeding tomatoes to your pets might offer, too much of the high acid content in tomatoes can be hazardous to gliders. Tomatoes should be a frequent part of your pet’s diet. At most, you can feed them once or twice per week. Even more cautious pet owners usually only eat tomatoes once a month. As a snack, a side dish, or even as part of their traditional veggie salad, tomatoes are allowed. Make sure that no meal or day includes tomatoes as the primary course.

How Many Tomatoes Can Sugar Gliders Eat?

Watch out for the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus must be taken into account during feeding. This is important since calcium shortages can create problems like hind leg paralysis if their diet is not balanced properly. Calcium poisoning can also be fatal to your pet. In a perfect world, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in your glider’s diet would be 1 to 2. In other words, calcium and phosphorus should not be in equal amounts in your glider’s diet. However, a food is not necessarily off-limits just because it doesn’t fit within the ratio. As long as their food is balanced overall, they can.


Do sugar gliders eat tomatoes? Yes! The skin and seeds of tomatoes are edible to sugar gliders. But make sure to take the safety precautions mentioned above. You shouldn’t give your animal pals wax, pesticides, or any other unhealthful substances to eat. Before giving the tomato to your sugar glider, make sure to thoroughly wash it. If possible, try to use organic tomatoes. Avoid using canned tomatoes. And avoid any prepared tomatoes that have been seasoned with salt or other seasonings. Finally, remember to serve tomatoes as a side dish, treat, or as part of a veggie salad for both your sake and theirs. Keep tomatoes to a weekly treat and avoid making them the focal point of meals. You don’t want to be the one cleaning up the sick sugar glider’s messes.

FAQ Section

What vegetables are suitable for sugar gliders?

Sugar gliders enjoy fresh corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, and low-calcium lettuce varieties like Boston lettuce. In addition, they can consume broccoli, sprouts, tomatoes, and squash. You can also find out if sugar gliders eat carrots or if they can eat cucumbers.

What snacks can you give to your glider?

Vegetables and fruits are excellent snacks. There are also sugar glider fish sticks and other sugar glider snacks that can be found in nearby pet stores and online.

Neranjan Ilukthenna

Neranjan Ilukthenna

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