Sugar Gliders

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Bananas?


by Neranjan Ilukthenna


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Although sugar gliders adore fruit, can they eat bananas as pets? As a glider parent, you must be aware of which foods, such as bananas, are safe to feed your glider in order to keep them happy and healthy. Here, I’ll concentrate on bananas, including whether they’re safe, their nutritional content, and how many you may feed.

Additionally, you might consider including bananas in the diet of your pet sugar glider as a potassium supplement. Throughout the year, bananas are widely available and very nutrient-dense. They are a fantastic source of protein and potassium, and many pets adore bananas! You’ve come to the right site if you have a sugar glider and are unsure 

if bananas are safe for it to eat. Can sugar gliders eat bananas? is a detailed question that will be addressed in this article.


This delicacy is a fruit that is readily available year-round and is packed with nutrients. It is a superior source of proteins and potassium for nutritional advantages. Are you curious about the nutritional makeup of the fruits?

A 100-gram serving of the fruit contains the following information:

89 calories – This many calories’ worth of energy is sufficient to support a 9-minute run. What additional strength does it offer your small friend?

Water: 75% – In a manner, the fruit also helps your young mammals stay hydrated. This is advantageous, especially in the sweltering summer.

1.1 grams of protein – They will become stronger thanks to the fruit treat. Proteins are crucial for muscle growth and repair. These building blocks also aid in the production of hormones and enzymes, as well as bone density.

22.8 grams of carbs – Glucose, which the body uses for metabolic and physical processes, is provided by carbohydrates.

12.2 grams of sugar – The three main sugars found in ripe bananas are sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

2.6 grams of fiber – A significant portion of the resistant starch in this fruit travels undigested through your intestines.

0.3 grams of fat – Fat provides the body with energy, shields the organs, encourages cell growth, and decreases blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps with nutritional absorption.

Can Sugar Gliders Have Bananas?

You’ve patiently read about bananas, but are bananas a favorite among sugar gliders? Remember that many sugar gliders don’t enjoy bananas before giving yours one. Don’t panic if this is the situation with your devoted but picky eater. Serve them to your sugar gliders a number of times before giving up on this option. Some sugar gliders need to be exposed to a new food several times before they can taste it.

Do sugar gliders like bananas?

As long as the peel is removed, bananas are safe for gliders to eat. All of this information, though, is useless if we don’t know whether or not our glider actually wants to eat it. Unfortunately, we can’t ask our gliders directly if they appreciate eating a piece of banana because we can’t communicate with them verbally. Bananas do have a fair amount of sugar, which sugar gliders adore, so there’s a good chance that your glider will like eating them.

However, each glider has a particular preference for the foods they enjoy or avoid. Some gliders won’t eat bananas, while others adore them. Simply placing some of it in their cage and letting them experiment with it is the best way to learn more. Make sure not to overfill their cage; it’s always a good idea to introduce new foods to pets gradually. In this manner, their digestive system can adjust to the new food, and if they do love eating it, they won’t eat too much of it.

But why would they eat them?

Curious eaters, sugar gliders Anything they could get their mouths on would be eaten. Therefore, there is a good probability that your sugar glider would like to munch on some bananas. Remember that your glider’s preferences and tastes may potentially evolve over time. He might also be a touch cranky around food. All you can do is try, and I hope they take you up on your offer of a treat!

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Banana Peels?

Banana peels are inedible to sugar gliders. This is because pesticides are frequently sprayed on them. Giving the peels to your pet could cause serious health problems or even death. Removing the peels and giving your pet only the banana slices is the best approach to giving them this fruit.

What About Banana Seeds?

Banana seeds can be consumed by gliders. It is typically safe for gliders if it is a portion of the fruit that owners of sugar gliders can consume. If in doubt, consult a veterinarian with knowledge of the sugar glider diet. Thankfully, there is no need to extract the seeds because doing so takes a lot of time and effort.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Dried or Dehydrated Banana Chips?

Dehydrated banana chips are a guaranteed way to feed your pet. But limit this to one or two feedings each month at most. Bananas’ sugar content increases dramatically when they are dried and cut into slices. The gliders taste sweeter because of this, but it’s not really good for them. Due to the higher concentration, your furry friends will end up ingesting more sugar. Future health problems will result from this, when it happens. The banana chips are tasty for this sugar glider!

What About Frozen Bananas?

Choose fresh bananas over frozen ones. Why is it such a huge issue when bananas are frozen? Still, those are bananas, right? Well, digestion plays a role in why it’s a problem. Because frozen bananas are difficult for gliders to chew, they leave large chunks of bananas in their stomachs.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Bananas That Have Been Cooked?

Sugar gliders may eat cooked bananas as long as nothing else is added. Similar to banana chips, the cooked banana you give your sugar gliders shouldn’t have any additional sugar or ingredients. Fresh and frozen produce are best for giving to your sugar gliders, and canned bananas should never be given to them. Additionally, if you happen to have any banana jam in your home, you can’t give it to your sugar gliders. The ingredients used in jam recipes and the canning process have no place in the diet of your sugar glider.

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Plantain?

Of course! You can feed them a cooked banana. Just be sure your recipe doesn’t contain any extra sugar or other dangerous preservatives. All your sugar gliders need is a simple treat of boiled bananas.

Why Should You Feed Sugar Gliders Bananas?

Are you eager to give some bananas to your sweet pal? Let me share this information with you before you head to the store to get some bananas. Bananas can be eaten by sugar gliders, but as with any food, feeding should be done carefully. This fruit should not be consumed in excess by your pet. You must feed your gliders sparingly, just like you would most fruits. The main factor is bananas’ terrible calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, which might be harmful to your pet’s physical health. Gliders should stay away from phosphorus-rich foods and supplements because calcium and phosphorus are antagonistic in the body.

Sugar Glider Food Bowl
Sugar Glider Food Bowl – Image Credit:

Order this Stainless Steel 5 oz Hanging pet Bowl / Cup / Dish for Food and Water available on Amazon for just $16.75

What Happens When There’s Calcium: Phosphorus Imbalance?

Some gliders have problems absorbing calcium. Lack of calcium makes their backs, legs, and limbs weak. High calcium levels in their bodies, on the other hand, are deadly. A balanced protein intake, a good calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, vitamin B6, and fat should always be included in the ideal diet. To create a balanced nutritional profile, certain supplementary nutrients are also required. Give each fruit to your bird in moderation. No fruit can give your pet the ideal ratio of vital nutrients that they require.

How Often Can Sugar Gliders Eat Bananas?

If you’re serving fresh bananas, the best maximum frequency is once per week or every other week. However, you must always look after and keep an eye on your pet’s nutritional balance. Feeding dried or dehydrated bananas should not exceed once per month. With too much sugar, you don’t want to endanger the health of your animal companion.

How much banana can sugar gliders eat?

A sugar glider’s optimum diet consists of 80% pellets, 20% fruit, and 5% treats. Bananas obviously fit under the heading of “fruit,” but that doesn’t mean that you can simply make this one fruit the basis of 20% of their diet. Since each fruit has a unique nutritional profile, you should make sure to give them a variety of them in order to ensure that they receive the right quantity of vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients. As a result, your glider should absolutely consume bananas, which are an excellent fruit to include in the variety of meals you feed them.

The Serving Size

How much does a serving contain? For each of your pets, a tablespoon of cubes or a few slices will do. Bananas add variety to the sugar glider diet and make excellent snacks. 


Can sugar gliders eat bananas? Yes! Bananas are safe for sugar gliders to eat in moderation, around once a week. Due to the higher sugar content, sugar gliders can also eat banana chips, but only once a month. Any chunk you give your sugar glider must be free of banana peel. Avert giving your wide-eyed friends canned or jammed bananas. Because bananas are low in calcium relative to phosphorus, keep an eye on your sugar glider’s total calcium to phosphorus ratio. If your sugar glider is one of the many that dislike simple bananas, don’t worry. To check if it works, try blending or mixing it with other fruits.

FAQ Section

What fruits are best for sugar gliders?

Bananas, grapes, apples, cantaloupe, cherries, plums, pears, and grapes are among the best foods for sugar gliders. They can consume strawberries as well. Read this article to learn more about how to feed strawberries to sugar gliders.

What can I feed my sugar glider?

There are several different sugar glider diets made from meats, fruits, veggies, and snacks that are either sold at pet stores or may be made at home. Each meal item is brimming with healthy protein, fiber, and other nutrients for your pet.

Neranjan Ilukthenna

Neranjan Ilukthenna

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